English Edition

A’Design Award and Competition 2019 — Call for Entry — 意大利

The A’Design Award and Competition is for designers, innovators and companies that want to highlight themselves to attract the attention of media, publishers and buyers. It has up to 100 categories and it is for creative of all types with awards ranging from Good Industrial Design Award, Good Architecture Design Award to Good Product Design Award, Good Communication Design Award to Good Service Design Award and Good Fashion Design Award. A’Design Award and Competition is one the world’s largest and most influential design award; extremely prestigious with amazing jury, press recognition and high calibre laureates. Enter into the awards today and compete for global fame, recognition and publicity!

In case you are wondering, The Grand A’ Design Award Jury Panel is composed of design professionals, press members and academics. The foundation of any good design award, in addition to fair evaluation and judging by an extensive methodology, is to have a strong and expert design competition jury which provides their invaluable knowledge base and insight to evaluate the submitted entries, creating benefit and value for participants by transferring their insights and ideas in form of votes, feedbacks and suggestions. Registration to the competition is extremely easy. Deadline for early submission is 28 FEB 2019.

Image being showcased are:
• Compound by Apiwat Chitapanya
• Clipe Home Desk by Claro
• Berlin Bicycle Rack by Adrian Bogdan
• Spin Lignt Table and Light Lamp by Fabricio Roncca
• TONIK Goby High End Hospitality Furniture by Karim Rashid
• Kollen Multifunctional Shelf by Köllen Design
• Loop Mirror by Luisa and Lilian Parrado
• Osvaldo Table Clock by Marco Mascetti
