English Edition

Mathieu Le Sourd (Maotik) — FLOW — 蒙特利爾/林茨

Specially designed for the deep-space 8k media display at ARS Electrónica, FLOW is an immersive interactive installation. Inspired by the natural phenomenon of the tides, the multimedia environment offers a sensory experience, poetic, playful and aesthetic principles of the rise and fall of sea levels. It invites visitors to plunge into the fascinating world of science through interactive immersion. The multimedia space aims to create an intelligent data environment where various forms of information can be expressed in a dynamic representation and enhance the perception of the physical space.

Digital artist based in Montreal, Mathieu Le Sourd (Maotik) focuses its work on the creation of immersive multimedia environments and generative visuals. His work has recently been presented in various festivals around the world, such as Live Cinema in Rio, the Plums Festival in Moscow, Visiones in Lima, Mutek Festival (Montreal, Mexico city, Barcelona and Bogota) and the British Film Institute in London.
