English Edition

Sunny Art Prize Exhibition 2017 — 倫敦 英國 — 9 AUG - 4 SEP 2017

Sunny Art Centre, 30 Gray’s Inn Road

The Sunny Art Prize is a global initiative that lends artists the opportunity to showcase their talents to a wider audience. Their committee of established judges has selected thirty varied artists who expertly use a wide range of media including ceramics, sculpture, painting, jewellery, photography and mixed media art. These artists are an example of the cultural diversity that endures in our increasingly homogenous world. The Sunny Art Prize has emerged from a desire to explore how contemporary art is shaped by our hyper-connected, protean world. This curiosity extends to the way in which 21st-century art interacts with tradition. This year’s Sunny Art Prize will, therefore, showcase pieces of fine art that engage with past artistic tradition in contemporary terms. Artwork by Maysum.
