English Edition

NANG Issue 1 — Screenwriting — 韓國 首爾

NANG Issue 1 sheds light on an area of filmmaking that is both mysterious and marginalized, especially in regards to cinema in Asia. While the films may be famous or successful, the writers remain in the background, and yet their work is vital to the process of creating cinema. Through a series of often in-depthinterviews with 13 writers and writer-directors from Indonesia, the Philippines, Singapore, South Korea, Malaysia, Thailand and Iran, the issue encounters myriad writing experiences, methods for developing stories, and discover the ways in which screenwriters survive and endure within their film industries. Rarely seen pages from the screenplays of, among others, Laskar Pelangi, Tropical Malady, The Handmaiden, Shahrzad and Unlucky Plaza further enrich this unique exploration into writing for the screen.

NANG is an English-language 10-issue magazine which covers cinema and cinema cultures in the Asian world with passion and insight. Published twice a year over a period of five years, NANG’s ambition is to build a wonderfully rich and profound collection of words and images on cinema, for knowledge, inspiration, and enjoyment.
