English Edition

Leo Burnett Germany — Jeep Snacks: Outdoor Food for Real Jeep Fans (1:30)

Jeep is built to escape the concrete jungle. But how can they give urban people a taste of what they can expect outdoors? Easy: Let them taste it! To find out how hungry people really were for adventure, they served something special: Jeep Snacks.

Advertised Brand: Jeep
Advert Title: Jeep Snacks
Advertising Agency: Leo Burnett, Frankfurt, Germany

Marketing Director: Moritz Wappenschmidt

Chief Creative Officer: Andreas Pauli
Creative Director: Benjamin Merkel, Helge Kniess, Hans-Juergen Kaemmerer
Creative Art Senior: Thomas Koch, Michael Fluhr
Creative Copy Senior: Christian Urbanski
Account Director: Rafael Koldewey, Tu-Linh Huynh
Agency Producer: Netti Weber
